We're St. Bartholomew's United Church located in Peel Village in Brampton, Ontario. We welcome everyone from all walks of life and can promise you a lively service that will leave you with many messages of inspiration and hope. ​
Services begin every Sunday morning at 10:30 am.
Can't make it to service? No problem. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch our livestream.
About Us
Our Values
We are a Christian community of faith growing spiritually by serving others and creation through meaningful worship and music accompanied by compassionate, thoughtful care and outreach.
To be a people of God sharing our faith, enabling and encouraging others to build God-centered, compassionate relationships.
To be a community of faith serving as a beacon of hope and possibility to local and global communities.
We believe that all people and the world around us are sacred gifts of our loving God. We all have gifts to discover and nurture; to share and to receive.
Therefore, we endeavour to live out Christ-like relationships that are inviting, respectful, compassionate and authentic.
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Subscribe to our weekly E-blast to receive details of readings, music and the theme for our next worship service, as well as information on upcoming events and projects.