Donations to St Bartholomew’s United Church can be made in any of the following ways.
In person during our worship service or to the church office – cash or cheque
By mail to the church office – cheque preferred
By e-transfer using this dedicated email address – stbartsuc@gmail.com
Using a monthly pre-authorized remittance (contact the church office)
For e-transfer, you need to provide a security question and answer. If the answer is not readily apparent, please send a separate email with the answer using the above email address, or contact the Office Administrator, Deirdre Kane (905-451-2768).
Donations can be allocated or directed to several Funds depending on your personal preference, and should be marked as such on an envelope or communicated by email to the above email address.
Local Operations Fund
Goes toward the day-to-day operating expenses of our ministry.
Funds the programs of our community outreach activities directed by our Outreach Committee. Includes programs such as Stuffy, Pass-It-On, Easter Tree and other specific appeals related to our Outreach Ministry.
Building Fund
Memorial Fund
Covers major expenditures pertaining to our building.
Donations made in memory of a former member of our congregation. Disbursements from this Fund are at the discretion of the Board.
A Designated Fund may also be set up for a specific appeal or capital project, the details of which can be explained in detail by contacting the office administrator or the Treasurer.
St. Bartholomew’s United Church is a registered charitable organization and a receipt for income tax purposes is provide for all donations in excess of $20. Official receipts for income tax purposes for a given tax year are normally produced in January of the following year, and are distributed by email or regular mail according to your preference. You can also contact the office administrator to arrange for an immediate tax receipt if one is required before January (for example, in the case of closing an estate or filing a final tax return).